We just dropped a Raid bomb on Taliban and ISIS cockroaches

Started by txcas, April 13, 2017, 04:29:55 PM

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Our military just dropped a MOAB (mother of all bombs) in Afghanistan to kill Taliban and ISIS cockroaches hiding in tunnels.  To quote Gene Hackman, "By all means sir.  Drop that fucker, ...twice."


RIP Chris Cornell


That is one hellava doorknocker. I like what the man is doing. He is sure getting everybodies attention.
 I can just imagine T Rex wearing his doom and gloom face telling somebody, Friend a word to the wise. You know you are pissing the man off and that makes him just a little erratic and unreasonable. That is the diplomacy that tinpots understand too well


That should get someone's attention. What 3-4 of them, no more little guy with big ego.
I am Appalachian American


Quote from: bowman3899 on April 13, 2017, 07:25:58 PMThat should get someone's attention. What 3-4 of them, no more little guy with big ego.
I would bet that after the last two "signs", the little fat guy isn't even in country.
Talk's cheap....takes money to buy whiskey


I am Appalachian American


Quote from: bowman3899 on April 13, 2017, 07:40:44 PMProbably sitting in San Francisco.
Remember during Desert Storm his dad couldn't be found or heard from for 6 weeks. You might be right, he's in SF in a whore house calling the shots by phone
Talk's cheap....takes money to buy whiskey


Thank you "txcas for that light hearted moment..... :D  Texas
style barbecue..... 8)

Fellas.....Here is the one I'm waiting on.  GBU-57A/B (MOP)
At 30,000 lbs, the Air Force has about 20 of these that were
made with Iran's nuclear ambitions in mind. Public data says
they will get thru 200 ft of concrete and steel, before the big
bang.  You can bet, a few of these have been retasked for an
endangered species known as the "Korean Loud mouth Toad"


Toad seems to like throwing parties. He needs to plan on a BIG BANG party.
 The Donald would cater that event free gratis and for nothing compliments of the USA with all made in America party surprises. Say What? Foreign Aid A La Trump ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D


"Shorty" recently showed off all the huge buildings built in Pyong-Yank".   Some question the quality of construction based on how fast they went up. (amazing what can be done when there is no 'Building Department" or "Unions". :) )

One GBU-43/B aka "Mother of all Bombs" dropped in Shorty's back yard could cause those showcase buildings to fall down quicker than the quarter on a napkin at a Bar Game.   Since the bomb is designed as an Air Burst firearm the entire city may fall down.   A message that could be heard loud and clear in other problem countries.

Just a side thought, many of our politicians worry about how many might be killed if an attack is launched on countries like North Korea.   Yet they pay no attention to the number of people who have died at the hands of their government already, and will die over the time our politicians are sitting around and wringing their hands.

Launch an attack and let's say 100,000 people are killed.   Sit back and do nothing while a few million die at the hands of an out of control dictator.   Even worse, after all the inaction and death leading up to the attack, the World is still faced with those same theoretical 100,000 casualties.

Inaction kills more than saying "Enough" and just taking care of the problem.
US Army 1965-1972


Quote from: Danbonzo on April 13, 2017, 05:43:27 PMSo Carlos how do you really feel?  ;D
What can I say, I hate cockroaches.  Only them and Nacy Pelosi can survive a nuclear holocaust.  8)


You would not say that to the Mother of All Roaches, Shame on you, go stand in the corner    Chuck